President's 12345 Message from Kristina Whalen

Welcome to the spring quarter!

April 10, 2023

Welcome to the Spring quarter! Last week I enjoyed the commotion of thousands of area students convening in Smithwick Hall for The Physics Show. The young learners cheered for glowing things, bowling bowl tricks, and a lesson in inertia. I’m taking that lesson of inertia to heart—never losing sight that what’s in motion, stays in motion. This morning I enjoyed walking the campus and seeing the coffee carts—these “energy stations”  are a warm kickoff to a Welcome Week organized by students.  The students are forces of nature themselves and I look forward to working with them to amplify our common commitment to keeping our campus in motion. 

With that in mind, the Spring quarter promises to provide many opportunities to further arouse our intellectual curiosity, service, and commitment to a community in motion (a COMmotion?). One program on the move is the Global Experiential Learning Initiative. At the end of this month, well over 30 students will leave for Florence to enjoy 10 weeks of instruction immersed in the rich, iconic history of Italy. Let’s keep the momentum. On April 24 at 5 p.m., an information session for a study abroad opportunity to London will be held. Please broadly share this opportunity.

Also in April, many more of the opportunities exist to further energize the campus. Some include

April 21: Earth Day at Foothill 

April 22: Day on the Hill 

April 24: HealthyU Resource Fair

April 24– 27: Black Student Success Week! Look for events Monday - Thursday.

April 26: The Business Innovation Challenge: INSPIRE–join this workshop to hear from speakers about the power of the Business Innovation Challenge this Spring. 

April 29: Possible Self STEM Expo 

And, of course, I hope you will join me tomorrow for my official welcome event and medal ceremony, starting at noon. Appreciation Hall may only have a few seats left, but if you cannot snag a seat, I hope you will join the festivities in the Smithwick courtyard following the brief ceremony. The planning committee has arranged a lively time with food and music. I hope I see you there! 

Yours in service, 

