President's Office
Kick Off to Elevate Campaign
November 15, 2023
It's the midpoint of week 8. I hope you are well and looking forward to next week's holiday. Here are 5 items to share this week.
(1) MIPC
The fourth MIPC meeting of the fall quarter will take place this Friday in 1901 and online. Approval of the new mission statement is on the agenda and will mark a major milestone for Foothill 2030 Strategic Planning. To see the agenda, look here.
(2) Muwekma Memorandum of Understanding
Also on the MIPC agenda is a discussion and feedback session about Foothill College’s relationship with the Muwekma Ohlone tribe. At a recent meeting between myself, Chairwoman Charlene Nijmeh, Sam Connell, and Ulysses Acevedo, several dormant discussions on how we might move the college beyond land acknowledgments were reawakened. Ulysses and I would like to share those thoughts as we construct an MOU with the tribe. If you want to hear more about the powerful family story and leadership of Chairwoman Nijmeh, check out this Ted Talk.
(3) Kick Off to Elevate Campaign
I will kick off my Elevate Campaign at a fundraiser hosted by a community member. This campaign highlights three important ways that Foothill College meets its mission. First, Foothill College’s programs like Research and Service Symposium, Case Competition, Business Innovation Challenge, Stanford Summer Internships, Science Learning Institute, Global Experiential Learning, Teacher Corp, and Emerging Technology Institute, to name a few, ELEVATES the student educational experience beyond what is offered at many partner institutions. Second, our latest data demonstrates that Foothill ELEVATES the earnings of its graduates. Third, awards like those received by the Campaign for College Opportunity and showcased at the 13-55 poster session show our DEIA work ELEVATES equity. This campaign is designed to raise flexible funds that can be used to support unexpected expenses for these programs or fund key elements of them outright. If you are a member of a club, organization, or community group that houses a promising group of donors, please let me know.
(4) Thanksgiving
I will take a few vacation days next week to visit my 86-year-old father in Missouri. I first told you about him one year ago this week in a presidential search forum held in the Hearthside Lounge. As I reconnect with him, my brother, and other family and give thanks for all the blessings in my life, among the strongest is the honor of being selected as your president and serving students alongside an incredible community of educators and public servants. My thanks!
(5) President’s 12345 will be on hiatus next week.
Yours in service,