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Office of Retention Services

Stanford Summer Session Referral Instructions

For students completing the Academic Works Supplemental Application for the Stanford Summer Session Opportunity, we are asking them to request one referral from a Foothill Faculty, Staff, or Administrator, in the form of a “meaningful paragraph that speaks to [the applicant’s] dedication and work ethic towards [the applicant’s] studies.”

The referral does not need to be a full letter of recommendation, only one paragraph that speaks to why the Foothill Faculty member, Staff member, or Administrator feels the student would have the best chance for success if they were to participate in this opportunity.

The student will contact you about requesting the referral and then you will receive an email from AcademicWorks with instructions on how to submit your referral.

We ask that the referrals be submitted by the application submission deadlines:

Early Decision deadline: February 18, 2025

Regular Decision deadline: March 7, 2025

The referrals letters may be submitted after these deadelines, but please note applications will not be complete and considered for review until the referral has been submitted to Academic Works.

If there are any questions about this process, you can contact Chris Chavez at



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Contact Rentention Services

 Chris Chavez


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