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Academic Senate

Academic Senate 

Foothill Academic Senate

Meeting Information

The Academic Senate typically meets twice a month on Mondays during the regular academic year. Special meetings, including summer Senate Cabinet meetings, are called as needed.

Monday, October 14, 2024

2:00–3:55 pm

Location Krause Center for Innovation

KCI Room 4006


Join the Zoom meeting

Zoom Meeting Information

Meeting ID: 898 0068 0414
Passcode: 235970

Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

        +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

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Academic Senate Membership

More About Academic Senate


At the beginning of each meeting, the Foothill Academic Senate provides a public comment period for members of the public to address the Senate on items not on the agenda but within the jurisdiction of the Academic Senate. This is an opportunity for the public to bring matters of concern to the attention of the Senate.

Please note that during this public comment period, the Brown Act prohibits the Senate from engaging in a discussion or taking action on any matter raised. The Senate may only listen to the comments and, if necessary, refer the matter to the appropriate Senate committee or request that the matter be placed on a future agenda for discussion and potential action.

Each speaker during this public comment period will be limited to 1 minute to ensure that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak. The total time allotted for this public comment period is 5 minutes.

To participate in the public comment period, please sign up with one of the Senate Officers prior to the start of the meeting.


Campus Center

Please contact me!

Voltaire Villanueva, Ed.D.

Academic Senate President

Senate Office: Admin 1929

Senate Membership

See membership contact list for 2022-2023 Acadmic Senate officers, division senators, and liaisons.
