Posting Documents to Council Websites
Use the Best Practices for Consistency
When posting governance documents to each council website, use the naming conventions and structure described below so that we can maintain consistency throughout our four key governancne councils and senates.
This will help to organize and retrieve documents when needed, and make the file easier to find when downloaded to a computer.
General File Naming for Agenda, Minutes and Memos
File names for uploading to OmniUpdate should be
- All lowercase with NO SPACES or periods except for the final file extension, such as .pdf.
- It's ok to use a hypen (-) to separate words for readability.
Use a convention that follows this rule: gov(so that we know it is governance related)-(committeeabbreviation)-(meetingdoctypeabbreviation)-(yearmonthdate).pdf
Example: gov-rr-ag-2018sep25.pdf
Council and Senate Abbreviations
- College Advisory Council — ac
- Community & Communication — cc
- Equity & Education — ee
- Revenue & Resources — rr
- Fifth Council — 5thc
- Academic Senate — as
- Classified Senate — cs
Meeting Document Type Abbreviations
- Agenda (ag): gov-rr-ag-2018sep25.pdf
- Minutes (min) gov-rr-min-2018sep25.pdf
- Memos (memo) gov-rr-memo-ac-2018sep25.pdf (Include the committee that you are sending the memo to)
- Attachments (whatever makes sense)
Year Month Date Naming Convention
When creating file names, use the following for the date.
- Year (full 2018)
- Month (spell first three letters of month)
- Day/Date (2-digit numeric, ex. 2018oct05)
Uploading Documents for Linking
When uploading your meeting documents, please use the following meeting folder structure:
- Folder Year: ex. 2018-19
- Create a subfolder for each meeting IF there are numerous other documents to post
- Subfolder Meeting Date: ex. sep25