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Cashier's Office

Student Fees & Tuition

Enrollment Fee: $31 per unit

Learn more about financial aid.

Basic Fees

This includes:

*VTA SmartPass Clipper Card

The quarterly SmartPass is $7.75 for full-time students enrolled in 12 or more units; $6.75 for part-time students who are enrolled in 6 units up to 11.5 units, and $5.75 for the students who are enrolled in less than 6 units. Get your SmartPass Clipper Card for unlimited rides on all VTA buses and light rail for the duration of each quarter you're enrolled. Learn more about the ASFC VTA SmartPass program.

Student Body Fee

This fee supports many services, activities, and discounts, such as free dental services, recreation room and movie tickets. Learn more about the OwlCard at the Student Activities Office.

Health Services Fee

This is a district governing board mandated mandatory fee, paid by all students.

Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing and students in approved apprenticeship training programs may request this fee to be waived by submitting the Health Fee Exemption Form

For information about how to access student health services, visit our Health Center.

Student Representation Fee

This fee provides support for students or student groups to present student viewpoints to government agencies and legislators.

Fee Waivers and Reduction

Student Body & Student Representative Fee
  • The Student Body Fee & the Student Representation Fee are not required and are voluntary.
  • If you don't want to pay the optional fees, submit a request using the Optional Fee Waiver Request Form.
  • The optional fee waiver must be submitted on or before the 8th week of the quarter and is valid for the applicable term.
Campus Center Fee
  • The Campus Center Fee can be waived for classes originally scheduled as an online class on the catalogue and for students who live outside of the district service area. Hybrid classes are not eligible for the campus center fee waiver.
  • The Campus Center Fee is not waived due to COVID-19.
  • Go to the Off Campus Center Fee Waiver Form to request the Campus Center Fee to be waived.
  • If you take only classes originally scheduled as online classes on the catalogue and live outside of the district service area, choosing the Off Campus Center Fee Form will also waive the optional fees.
  • The campus center fee waiver must be submitted on or before the sixth week of the quarter and is valid for the applicable term.
Fee Waiver Credits
  • The fee waiver credits will be released to your student accounts 24 hours after submitting the fee waiver requests.
  • You will also receive email notification(s) regarding your fee waiver request status.
  • If you have any fee waiver questions, send an email to or call the Cashiering Team at 650.949.7331.

Non-Resident Tuition

Announcement: Non-resident tuition increase from $239 to $245 per credit unit effective Summer 2024

Effective summer session 2024, tuition will increase from $239 per credit unit to $245 per unit.

The enrollment fee will continue to be $31 per unit.

Total cost per unit for the 2024-2025 academic year will be $276.

Many factors are taken into consideration when calculating tuition and fees.

Please note:

The District is legally required to follow California’s Education Code Section 76140, which relates to setting nonresident tuition rates. The legal requirements include setting a minimum nonresident tuition rate.

The District’s nonresident tuition rate is consistently at the statewide average for community colleges and far lower than public and private universities.

The enrollment fee of $31 per unit will not increase in 2024-2025.

The increase will take effect beginning for the Summer 2024.

The Foothill-De Anza Community College District remains committed to your success. All students will continue to receive a high quality, affordable education from one of the top community college Districts in California.

Please know that you are an essential part of our community, and we are proud that you chose to study at our college.

  • Out-of-state and foreign citizens $245 per unit 
  • International Student Health Insurance $552 per quarter (for academic year 2024-2025).
  • Out-of-state, foreign citizens and eligible visa holders will be charged $245 per unit in addition to the basic and required enrollment fees. (EX: A, E, G, I, K, L, H1, H4, Permanent Resident, etc.)
  • Health insurance is required for all foreign students who hold F-1 visas. For more information, see the International Student Program.
  • For residency reclassification request, please send an email to or

Calculation & Payment of Fees

Use the Fee Calculator to determine fees. All fees are due and payable at the time of registration.

Attention Students!

  • See important dates to remember for deadlines to enroll, add or drop classes and request refunds for each quarter.
  • Payment for classes is due upon enrollment. Drop for Nonpayment days vary for each quarter.
  • Students with an outstanding balance will not be eligible to register for future Foothill College courses, receive financial aid and scholarships or petition to graduate.
  • Payment may be made by check, money order, cashier's check, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover Card. 
  • Dual enrolled high school students enrolled in more than 11 units (more than 6 in summer) at either Foothill, De Anza, or combined are considered a regular full-time student and will be charged all fees
  • All fees are subject to change without notice.
  • Students are responsible for paying fees at the time of registration.
  • It is the student's responsbility to notifiy Admissions and Records and the Cashier's Office of any fee discrepancies.

Warning: Outstanding Accounts

  • All accounts with an outstanding fee balance at the end of the term will be forwarded to a third-party collection agency.
  • Delinquent account information may be reported to national credit reporting agencies by the collection agency.



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Cashier's Office


Student Services Building 8100, Room 8101

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Veterans Day Holiday, College Closed


Thanksgiving Recess through Dec. 1, College Closed

