Find out what skills will help you and the technology you will need to be an online learner. When you are ready, apply and register for your online classes.
Apply and Register
If you are new to Foothill College or if you were not registered last quarter then you must submit an application before you may register for classes.
How do I access my Canvas course?
Once you're registered for your course, you'll use Canvas to access your course materials and where you'll interact with your instructor and fellow students and turn in your assignments.
You can access Canvas from within MyPortal or by downloading the Canvas Student App.
Course not showing?
Instructors control student access to their Canvas course sites. Therefore, all enrolled
students will have to wait until the instructor creates then publishes the Canvas
course site for student access. This may be why you either do not see the course in
Canvas or are receiving an error message in Canvas stating you are not enrolled in
the course.
Most instructors will not make their Canvas course sites available to enrolled students
until the course start date, unless otherwise notified by the instructor. You can
check for the course start date in the Class Schedule.
Note: Waitlisted students do not have access to Canvas course sites.
If you're not familiar on how to use Canvas you can step through a tutorial or come to a live Zoom orientation during the first week of the quarter.
How can I learn how to use Canvas?
You're responsible for logging into your Online Course in Canvas on the first day of the quarter or course start date, unless your instructor gives you alternate directions.
Once the quarter begins, you can contact your instructor if you have questions about when to access your course and how to get started in your class.
How to search the Campus Directory
Zoom is Web conferencing software that allows you to meet as a class or individually with your teacher over the Internet. Meetings are sometimes recorded and available for later viewing.
Online Degrees
Foothill College offers hundreds of courses online. You can even earn a degree without ever having to come to campus. You can find them by selecting the Degrees and Certificates link located in the navigation menu under Students or select the link below: