Virtual Campus Faculty Support
This page will be used to provide resources for faculty who are teaching remotely due to COVID-19. It will change frequently as new resources and remote training opportunities become available. Please bookmark this page and check back often.
Bookmark this page and check back often to see what's new!
Online Training and Support
Join a brown bag Zoom session with the Online Learning team and your colleagues to share what's working and not working for our students. Learn how to make your course more equitable, get some Canvas tips, learn about some tools, and bring your own topic (BYOT)!
Office Hours
Our team is providing online office hours where you can meet with one of our faculty or Online Learning members to get your questions answered. New and seasoned Canvas users are welcome! You can find it under the Faculty section in the navigation on the left:
Virtual Campus Faculty Support
The Virtual Campus Faculty Support course was developed to help you connect with one another, share resources, and get help. If you are new to Canvas you were enrolled in the course. If you are not in the course and would like to be added please contact us. New and seasoned Canvas users are welcome.
We use Zoom to connect with students synchronously and asynchronously. Not sure how to use Zoom?
Training by @ONE CVC-OEI
The sessions are intended for faculty who teach face-to-face and are using Canvas for course materials.
Training Sessions |
View the calendar for a list of all of the virtual courses being offered by @ONE CVC-OEI. |