Apply & Register
Getting Started
Thanks for choosing Foothill College!
We have an open-admission policy. All students who are interested in earning a degree or certificate, transferring to a 4-year university, or looking to reskill for personal or professional development apply now.
Foothill College is on the quarter system with a shortened summer session. Offering online, in-person, and hybrid courses to meet your needs. For registration and other important dates and deadlines, see the academic calendar.
Steps to Enroll
In order to receive the earliest date to register, complete priority registration steps, however completing these steps are not required to enroll in classes. Completing priority registration steps have shown higher success in achieving your goals. **High school students are not eligible for priority registration.
Apply for Admission
All NEW STUDENTS should apply with the Foothill College Online Application EXCEPT for the following:
- INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS APPLICANTS applying for F1 Visa or transferring F1
See International Student Program Application - APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM APPLICANTS
See Trade Apprenticeship Application Steps - HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT APPLICANTS currently grades 9-12
See High School Dual Enrollment Steps
- Explore Careers: Career assessments are avaliable
- Declare Your Major & Education Goal: If you want to qualify for priority registration, remember to declare your major and education goal during the application and complete steps 2-4 on this page after you complete CCCApply.
- Explore all our degrees and certificates.
If you are ready to apply, see tips for completing the application before beginning the application.
Complete Orientation
Students have three options to meet this requirement.
- Complete the Online Orientation
- Take the Counseling 5 course (1-unit course)
- Attend an In-person Enrollment Day Event (held summer for fall registration)
For more information about each option and how to sign up or enroll, see Options for Completing Orientation.
Meet Assessment Requirements
See which Assessment Method is Best for You
- If you attended high school in the United States and reported your high school GPA on your CCCApply application, you will have an automatic placement based on your self-reported information
- If you did not attend high school in the United States or you do not have a high school GPA, you can complete the guided self-placement
- If you've already completed some credit coursework at another college or university - submit a Prerequisite Clearance Form
Create an Education Plan
*Students can register for classes prior to this step, but it is highly encouraged to meet with a counselor to develop an education plans.
To meet with a counselor:
- Schedule a 30-minute appointment with a counselor
- Attend counseling drop-in Quick Question (15-minutes) session
Register for Classes
By completing these steps, you will gain priority enrollment, meaning your registration time will be earlier than that of student who did not complete these steps.
If you have never registered for classes before select the box to learn how.
Pay for Classes
Pay your fees as soon as possible after registering. If you need help paying for college, we offer financial aid options and payment plans. Remember that you may be dropped from your classes if you do not pay in a timely manner.
Foothill College Promise
- If you are a high school graduate or equivalent, first-time-to-college student, and plan to take 12 units or more (full-time status), you are eligible to have the cost of tuition and fees fully paid for your first year at Foothill. Learn more about Foothill College Promise!
What Kind of Student Are You?
We know everyone is unique.
Maybe you are transfering from another college or taking classes while in high school, or a first time to college military veteran. Maybe you are returning after a few quarters away from Foothill, or a college graduate looking to take a class for personal enrichment.
AB540 Undocumented Dreamer
AB 540 is a California law that allows all students who qualify, including undocumented students, to pay in-state tuition fees at all public colleges and universities in California. |
To be eligible, you must have
- attended a high school (public or private) in California for three or more years
- graduated from a California high school or attained the equivalent (for example, passing the GED or California High School Proficiency exam) prior to the start of the term that you are applying at Foothill College
Follow these steps if you qualify for AB 540 status
- Apply for admission to Foothill
- Complete the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption (AB 540) Form
- Apply for financial aid using the Californian Dream Act application
- Follow enrollment steps for Priority Registration
- Consider joining one of our learning communities
- Visit our Dreamers and Undocually website to learn about support.
- Register for Classes!
Adult Learner
Has it been awhile since you've been in the classroom? Are you working and wanting to take classes at the same time?
Visit or contact our Adult Ed Student Success Specialist. They can answer any questions you may have and provide the support you need to get started with your educational goals.
Follow these steps to get started!
- Apply for admission to Foothill
- If you plan to earn a degree or cerificate or transfer to a 4-year university, follow enrollment steps for Priority Registration.
- If you are taking a class for personal enrichment, skip Step 2 and move to how to register for classes.
Graduating High School Senior
If you are a graduating high school senior, we are happy you are here! We hope you choose Foothill College as your next destination in your educational and life journey.
We have a lot to offer at Foothill at an affordable price, whether you are looking to transfer to 4-year university or train for a career.
Be sure to check out Foothill College Promise. First-time, full-time students (12 units or more) are eligible to have the cost of tuition and fees fully paid for their first year at Foothill College.
Depending on how close you are to graduating from high school, you can
- Schedule a campus tour to learn more about Foothill and/or
- Attend a Kickstart Workshop to get priority registration for the fall quarter after you graduate
We look forward to seeing you on campus!
High School Dual Enrolled (9-12)
High school students enrolled in grades 9-12 can take Foothill College classes for free.*
*Foothill College waives enrollment and all other fees** for dual enrollment as long as you do not take more than 11 units during the fall, winter, and spring quarters (6 units in the summer).
**The cost of textbooks, other course fees such as materials fees, and parking fees are not waived.
- To participate in the dual enrollment program, you need special permission from a parent/guardian and your high school principal/administrator.
- To get started, follow these Steps to Enroll
Incoming Transfer Student
If you've already completed some credit coursework at another university, and even if you are looking to only attend Foothill for a summer course, follow these steps.
- Apply for Admission
- Meet Assessment and/or Course Prerequisite Requirements
- Meet with a Counselor after you apply for admission and receive your Foothill College student ID. If you are only taking one class but have questions, our counselors offer several ways to meet with them to determine you educational goals.
- Register for Classes
- Pay for Classes
Pay your fees as soon as possible after registering. If you need help paying for college, we offer financial aid options and payment plans. Remember that you may be dropped from your classes if you do not pay in a timely manner
International Student
We are happy you plan to study at Foothill!
Our International Programs Office caters specifically to international students on F-1 visas, providing counseling and assistance to more than 700 students from more than 70 different countries.
To start, visit the International Students Admissions page to complete the application process.
We look forward to meeting you once you join our community!
Military Veteran
We are proud you are considering joining our Foothill College community.
Supportive counselors and staff in our Veterans Resource Center understand your needs and will help you transition your military skills to civilian life.
If you have served in the military or are a military dependent and are eligible, follow these steps to enroll in classes at Foothill.
The use of benefits is not required to participate in the services offered at the Veterans Resource Center.
- Apply for admission to Foothill
- Request your VA Benefits
- Follow enrollment steps for Priority Registration Note: If needed, you can request accommodated testing for your assessment tests.
- Register for Classes
Returning to Foothill — You Missed a Quarter
If you've attended Foothill but were not enrolled during the previous quarter (does not apply to Summer Session), you are consider a former student and need to reapply for admission to register for classes.
If you've already completed the priority enrollment steps for priority registration, you will need to become a continuing student again to get back into the priority registration queue.
We are glad you are back!
Student with a Disability
Our Disability Resource Center (DRC) provides extensive support services if you identify as a student with needs for special accommodations.
We'll help you get started with the admissions application process and everything you need to register for and succeed in your classes.
Contact the DRC
For immediate Alternate Media needs, contact the DRC:
Location: Student Resource Center (5400)
Email: drc@fhda.edu
Phone: 650.949.7017
If you have questions about other services, see who to contact.
If you are eligible for services in the DRC, follow these steps to enroll in classes at Foothill.
- Apply for admission to Foothill
- Register for services in the DRC
- Follow enrollment steps for Priority Registration Note: You can request accommodated testing for your assessment tests.
- Register for Classes
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Contact Us!
Admissions and Records
Student Services Building 8100, Room 8101
View In-Person & Virtual A&R Office Hours
Academic Dates & Deadlines
Spring recess runs through April 4.